NFTs & Smart Contracts

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Static NFTs

Build your own community, fund your amazing ideas, share your vision with the world.

Animated NFTs

The next wave of the future is now. We will help your transition any project for web 3.0 purposes.

Smart Contracts

Fariness, decentrialization and SMART. We align your needs with the best smart contract use case.

New to NFTs?

We created a newbie NFT guide for those inquiring.

What is an NFT?

Non-fungible tokens are one of the latest developments in the digital economy. Recent news reports mention digital files that have sold for millions of dollars. Any digital file can become a non-fungible token. NFTs are files that are tracked by the same blockchain technology that supports cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. This method allows buyers and sellers to keep a clear record of ownership of the file.

A list of popular NFTs :

Digital Artwork, Clips, Photos, Games, Tokens, Music, GIFs, Tweets, Domains, Licenses

Every NFT is digitally unique. While people can copy an image, ownership of the original file remains secure. In this sense, NFTs are similar to viewing an original artwork at a museum. You might enjoy it so much that you go to the museum store and buy a print for your home, but the original will stay in place.

An Introduction to NFT Marketplace Development

As NFT popularity grows, NFT developers have been busy creating markets for these files. Some current markets are general trading spaces for any category of NFT. Other marketplaces cater to the high-end art world or deal with files related to specific online games or niche topics.

The Advantages of NFTs for Artists

NFTs have opened a new world for digital artists. The ease with which a user can copy an image online makes selling digital art a challenge. However, the NFT process gives artists a way to receive credit for and sell their artwork.

The Advantages of NFTs for Buyers and Collectors

People purchasing NFTs are attracted by the exclusive ownership allowed by the format. For collectors, there is the satisfaction of owning an original piece of art. They may also derive income by selling permissions for public use.

  • Valuable
  • Exclusive
  • Secure

Other buyers see NFTs as an investment opportunity. With the way the market fluctuates, they will hold onto the file until they can sell it at a profit.

How NFT Marketplaces Work: 4 Key Factors

Current NFT development efforts are not only about the files. Like any commodity, NFTs require a place to be bought and sold. NFT marketplaces combine a user-friendly front-end environment for displaying and brokering the files. They must also have a well-designed back-end the supports the underlying blockchain tech.

  • Crypto Wallets
  • Auctions & Sales
  • Smart Contracts
  • Costs of Operations

NFT Portfolio

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